Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well, things are starting to calm down now that we are in our new place. Thanks to Mimi and Papa for the couch, loveseat, and bed. It means a lot. Isaiah is a crawling MANIAC now. The poor cats just don't know what to do. And Bridget (Nathan's dog) is in complete panic as Isaiah crawls faster than she can walk. HAH! Yep, Isaiah has also discovered the beauty of pots/pans + wooden spoons. Kevin and I enjoy hours of lovely "kitchen music". He has 4 teeth coming in on top and still only has 2 on the bottom. His face already looks so different with teeth. I had to go back to school and with Kevin's schedule he will most likely be at Jalayne's 3-4 days a week instead of all week. Megan missed him and apparently she has her hands full with the two of them crawling and getting into everything! Good luck! Well, I suppose I should probably get back to work...
