Sunday, September 28, 2008

Helping Daddy

Sorry, I haven't written in a while.  I have been super busy with Mary Kay, Tavern, and school.  Isaiah is doing FABULOUS!  He has turned into such a little man.  Mom told me about going out to eat at Carlos O'Kellys.  He was flirting with a little 2 year old blondie.  She gave him the peace sign as they left.  He giggled and waved bye-bye (his latest accomplishment).  He is crusing along furniture, but hasn't taken any steps by himself-won't be long though.  He started saying "kitty" as he is chasing the cats.  They love it...haha!  Just kidding!  Here are some recent pictures.

Mimi and Papa sent Isaiah a package of clothes.  He was so opening the box and tossed all the clothes all over.  THEY ARE ADORABLE!  He will be such a stud in them.  Thanks, Mimi and Papa!!!
Our pastor, Josh, and his wife, Dara, had an extra mattress in their garage they gave us.  So today, Kevin and Isaiah moved the crib into the bedroom and tonight we are transitioning him into it.  Wish us luck!  Isaiah was so cute trying to help Daddy.