Monday, March 24, 2008

LOOONG Spring Break, yet no break at all

Well, Spring Break is over. "Where did it go?" Kevin and I asked on our way back from our 6 hour drive to Davenport and back. It seemed like just yesterday we were getting pumped for a break and thinking of all the great things we would do (none, really got done though)! I guess with the kids here and having Nathan, the time just flew by. It was fun having them here and we bonded a lot. I am excited to finally start building a relationship with Ben. It's been a long road. It has been much easier to bond with Abbey (probably because she is so mature..and a girl), but Ben's been a struggle. He is very much a mama's boy and is into things I know nothing about. Nathan and him have a great relationship so hopefully I can play off that. Did I say having the kids here was a blast? Abbey was the best older sister, of course. And Ben was so cute with Isaiah this week. He was picking him up and trying to bounce him. Adorable! Thanks Mimi and Papa for the cute outfits! Can't wait for it to get warm enough to put them on him. It snowed last night, by the way. Yep, SNOW! I tell ya...we must be crazy living in Iowa.
Isaiah started on rice cereal and baby food this past week. We unfortunately discovered he does not care for peas...but they do add some color to our clothes when spit out :)! Hopefully tonight I will be able to download some of this week's pictures on here for all to see.
PS: Can't wait for June...not that I am counting or anything.